Public Relationship Advice: Are You Ready to Commit?
Recently, after several in-depth conversations with a potential client – an established accessories company in the process of selecting a PR partner for the very first time – they asked if we would work on a month-to-month contract. For a moment, the question swept me
7 Reasons Advance PR Plans Fail
We've been in the PR business for 30+ years and during that time we've written hundreds of
advance PR plans for potential clients needing reassurance that they were selecting the best
PR partner, or believing the preliminary plan was an expected part
It’s Never Too Late to Say “I’m Sorry”
When it comes to saying “I’m sorry,” sooner is always better, particularly in the PR world. But just because 50 years may have passed since a regrettable incident, statement or stance occurred, it doesn’t mean an apology still isn’t necessary.
The Most Critical Element in Public Relations
People often ask me why I chose the name Mantra for my PR agency when I rebranded the company, originally known as Carleton & Company Public Relations. My answer is this: When a mantra is repeated over time, it alters perceptions, and that is exactly what a strong PR campaign does. It directs our attention, heightens awareness and informs our opinions, attitudes and beliefs.
What Makes an Effective Pitch (And It’s Not What You Think.)
Crafting an effective media pitch involves storytelling, but in an abbreviated way and always with the all-important strategic hole. Once you’ve determined what and to whom you will be pitching, identifying the critical timeliness component, and run it through the “why this, why now?” test to prove its newsworthiness, it’s time to start telling the story. But wait…